Completely terrible band who pretend to be something they are not and whine about being something that isn't that bad. There's much worse things in the world to write songs about, like rape, death and robbery, but they choose to write about not studying for an exam and failing. Go figure. Loved by people who listen to the radio and watch mtv non stop and have not heard of great bands like Led Zeppelin and smashing pumpkins.
Tennybopper "OMG sp are sooooooooooooooo talented and pierre is soooooo hot!!
Me "Led Zeppelin and Smashing Pumpkins are much much much better."
Teenybopper "Who?"


"Try another SP:

Sex Pistols, Smashing Pumpkins, Stoned Potheads.
by ZEROpumpkins August 27, 2005
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A punk-rock/emo band. I don't know why they haven't been labeled emo, but they definately are more so than, say, Death Cab for Cutie.

They're music's not that bad, but can be pretty annoying if you listen too closely to the lyrics.
"I'm sorry, I can't be perfect."

by Gil April 24, 2005
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A band singed to the same label as good charlotte .... do u see a patteren? the cry about who they are miss understood teenagers .. when in actual reality the are like 26-30 or wut ever and they still cry about how mommy and daddy want them to be perfect!!!!! come on get a fuckin clue
Fags like gc and avril and hillary .....fuckin fags
by Super S February 8, 2005
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a pop-punk band from canada. that's it. plain and...simple.

they're really nothing much to be wasting your time over if you don't fancy them.
(faggot) dude...simple plan fucking sux, dude...blah blah blah blah blah...

(me) dude..get a fucking life.
by celebrity foreskin February 11, 2005
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Another stupid pop band that think they're "tEh HaRdKoRnEsS!!113232213" but they really suck.
3 reasons why they seem think they're like blink-182:

1.A girl in the I'd Do Anything video has a blink'll see it,it's black with the TOYPAJ thing on the sleeve and it says "Blink-182" on the front.

2.Mark Hoppus sings for that song,too..What the fudgesicles is going on here?

3.When you look at their CD cover and name you'll say "Why do these guys think that their blink-182?"

I love blink-182,they're my favourite band,but WHY do these stupid guys try to be like them?!?!
by TheWiggidy May 14, 2004
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they are one of the best bands ever. people always are saying that they have to much to complain about, but its their outlook on life, and its not just for them to complain about; its also for others to realte to. and then others say they have a punk image; not really, its just David and Jeff that make them look punk. so judge all you will Simple Plan is one of the best bands i have ever heard of!!
me: so did you listen to the band?
Talyse: Simple Plan? of course, only the best band ever... now i need tickets!!!
Me: they go on sale tomorrow!

(we get up an hour before tickets go on sale, and wait eagerly at computer for best tickets!!)
by rachel ainsworth July 25, 2006
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simple plan is a band from canada. they're not half bad either.
by m. wuornos February 10, 2005
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