The act of preparing for an academic decathlon to assume control of your father's hotel.
O'Doyle, I got a feeling your whole family is goin' down... But for now, I gotta shtudy.
by Billy23425 January 20, 2010
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An official term used for Black, Latinx and Native American software engineers and data scientists who study, but still have trouble landing a job.

Shtudy is also a platform that helps job seekers of color land career opportunities.
Student: "Man I studied my ass off throughout college, but still can't get a job!"

Friend: "Dude... Study, Shtudy... Studying is overrated. You need more than that to get a job.. Just sign up for, it's easy."
by flywoman276 August 26, 2020
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taking a shit while studying, an act of saving time
-yo did u study for the ap euro test
- na dude, i was shtudying for a little bit but watever
by Shittac Mcgee November 1, 2011
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