Used when you need to emphazise the lame perspective of something.
"come out tonight"
"I can't i have school work"
by shlamizzle April 16, 2009
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The noise a person makes when storming out of a room. Origionally invented by famous MC/Beastboxer Boogy Woogy in The OSG's song Mockingbird Feat. Thaulmatter
He got pissed off and Shlamed out the door.
by Rony Peters September 26, 2009
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Meaning "superhella-lame"; usually used towards someone who is a mushy popsicle, or excessively emotional with a love partner.
-"so you're basically really amazing (:"
--"oh stop it! you're so shlame ;)"
by dmizzle10 April 18, 2010
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