High out of your mind, the supposed second evolution of slapped and or clapped (depending on where you are from)
This state of being can only achieved by some straight gas.
I hung out at Ava's yesterday, she had some gas, man. we smoked that shit and i went straight f o o l i s h, I got Shitslapped af.
by Clit Sammich October 24, 2019
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the act of farting into ones own cupped hand and quickly shoving the stench into an unsuspecting victims nostrils. Must be done quickly so as to not lose farts potency
"I was watching tv and minding my own bidness when Shawn straight shitslapped me!"
by Madamasselle March 2, 2003
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When a person screws another person over completely and utterly.
“Oh fuck. Jim has taken my credit cards, and last night he hypnotised me and made me reveal all my bank details and PIN numbers. Now he’s drained all the money from all my accounts, bought a Thai bride and a plane and flew to Cuba where he’ll no doubt take over some seedy drug ring and use my hard, earned cash to buy hookers, cocaine and god knows what else. Fuck, I totally got shitflapped.”

“I knew I wouldn’t get the tenner back, Jim is well known for shitflapping.”

"Ben took your girlfriend? Hmmm, shitslap."
by John Delonge April 8, 2006
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The state of being completely and utterly wasted. Drunk beyond all belief. A step past shithoused. Many things can happen when one attains the level of shitslapped, such as being that guy, passing out in obscure places or vomiting all over yourself. (more often than not a combination of the three results).
Person 1: "dude i got totally shitslapped the other day and t-bagged my bro because i thought it was the girl who passed out"
Person 2:"dude..., weak."
Person 1: "never again redline and vodka"
by jakedog93@aol.com October 21, 2009
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