The preppiest public school in the midwest. The girls all strut around with their vera bradley gear. The guys all walk around with their Ralph Lauren shirts and their sperry's. The poser skaters get high before school and sell weed to the preppy girls who all get drunk at anytime possible.
Katlynn goes to Shawnee Mission East, her dad is a lawyer and she lives in Mission Hills. She spends all of her dad's cash on Jack Daniels and doesnt come home on Friday nights.
by lancer1222 October 19, 2010
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A public high school in Prairie Village, KS. Notoriously known for its students' exorbitant amounts of underage drinking, smoking, and preppiness. Their principal makes attempts to end this, but his actions are fruitless. Students pregame everything. Football and basketball games, community service activities, even school itself sometimes. Drinks of choice include natty light, jack daniels, and vodka in water bottles for stealth drinking. The other Shawnee Mission Schools scoff this alcoholism but the SMEasters don't really seem to give a shit.
"Dude, did you see that kid from Shawnee Mission East? He fucking reeked of cheap whiskey."

"Yeah, their entire student section smells like a brewery"
by McFamous December 12, 2010
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This school is THE hotspot for white rich kids who spend their free time being hospitalized for binge drinking. On Friday nights you can find most of them in the basement of a 5 million dollar house drinking cheap vodka supplied by their parents.

A walk through the halls will give you a clear view of at least 50 practically-bare asses in tight lululemon leggings and adidas stan smith's. Walk out to the parking lot and you'll spot rovers, benzes, audis, and of course the occasional volvo belonging to one of the less fortunate.

There are some smart kids here, but most just rely on their parents' money to get them through life.
Shawnee Mission East Girl: "Did you see that new G-Wagon in the junior parking lot?"

Other girl: "Yeah, Sophie's parents got it for her for getting a 22 on her ACT"
by Yola10928 December 18, 2016
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Shawnee Mission Northwest is filled with LITERALLY a bunch of crackheads that think their cool.
by Smnw March 14, 2019
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A public school in Overland Park, KS.
Mascot: Raiders
Student Body: Primarily preppy, slutty, judgmental assholes. The guys are too sports obsessed and only focus on getting some surely STD infested ass.
The girls are pig-nosed, fake bake bitches, whose primary food source comes from inside the pants of the guy population.

Somewhere, lost amongst the crowd, are the few that are just trying to get by, and the only people actually worth talking to.
With such a diverse student body, you'd think that Shawnee Mission South would be filled with more accepting people. Not so, most of them are assholes.
by pooooopooooopooooopoooopooop November 15, 2010
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somehow called "one of the best schools in the country". Shawnee mission south is full of druggies and stuck up douchebags (this is coming from a current freshman at south).
If any other definition says that the school is wonderful and one of the best they are full of shit. The nerds are probably some of the best people you'll meet at this school because EVERYONE ELSE HAS THEIR HEAD UP THEIR ASSES!Not to mention the fact that the druggies smoke pot at the bus stops. If you have a choice in going here stay the fuck away!
full of life freshman or new kid, Hey I hear Shawnee mission south is wonderful, school is going to be so wonderful

that same person at the end of his or her first year there, I hope this gets dragged down to hell and raped by a tentacle monster!
by mitchel1497 May 11, 2012
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A school in south jersey in which at least 75% of the student body is high on drugs or drunk, all the time. Everyone in the school except maybe the frosh knows who sells the dime bags or even a quick fix of smack or meth. Death threats and robbery are commonplace as well as faculty molestation of students. AKA "Heroine High". Shawnee is also big for pill poppin white trash sleep with anyguy whores. Shawnee often finds itself kickin the shit out of Cherokee High School. on a good day, more drugs are sold in Shawnee high school than in northeast philly.
Shawnee Football - 21
Cherokee Football - 0
by Shawnee Football March 4, 2005
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