A word used to describe something that is really extreme. It could mean extremely cute, ugly, annoying, fat, etc. depending on the context.
That girl's hair is really shadds today.
by Eva&Allison March 29, 2006
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V- To flake out

V- To cancel previously agreed upon plans last minute, or simply not show up

N- The act of flaking out
-So we all planned on going to SB for Halloween but one guy shadded on us.

-I pulled a shadd on my friends when I told them I would meet them for dinner but decided to hangout with some girl instead.

-Don't pull a shadd on us, bro.
by NoShtSherlock October 26, 2011
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Slang term for a dump. There are different levels of "Shadd Force" ranging from 1 to 5. Shadd Force 5 represents anal blowout due to excessive consumption of heavy foods such as red meat. Shadd is deposited in the Shadd Transfer Station, otherwise known as the toilet.
"Aww hell, after eating all those BBQ ribs i feel like I've got a Shadd Force 5."
by ShaddForce5 May 23, 2007
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I wanted so bad to Shadd them, but the con would just backfire.
by Kyo Onigawara December 31, 2007
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