- to scrunch up
- no, not crinkle... no, not scrunch up... it's SCRINKLE
- kinda like wrinkle but no, it's SCRINKLE
Person 1: Hey what are you doing?
Person 2: SCRINKLING -scrinkles up paper-
Person 1: Scrinkle? But that isn't a-
Person 2: SHUT UP
by raeraerareraerae August 7, 2015
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the wrinkles on ur scrotum

scrotum + wrinkle = SCRINKLE
i could see his scrinkles since his pants were torn and he wasnt wearing any underwear
by nasty shit November 24, 2004
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a creature, a fucking gremlin, if you will.

utterly despicable? (occasionally)
basically a little cretin.
jesus christ stop being such a little scrinkle and get out of my bins for the 3rd time
by mabers July 8, 2022
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A 3rd grade cuss word which in that time means "Dickhead" or "FuckFace"
3rd grader 1: You are such a Scrinkle Dinkle Bryan
3rd grader 2: YOU SAID A NO NO WORD!
by dinkle dinkle February 18, 2017
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