Insidious disease found in Australia.

A combination of two political parties, led by a religious zealot.

Who’s belief is direct communication with God.

Frequently enabling corruption and grifters.

Who’s moral compass is steered by a spouse & two daughters.
ScoVid refused to meet Federal obligations. Purely on the premise that God had not instructed he to do so.
by Wise Aussie May 30, 2021
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Nickname for Scott Morrison, the Prime Minister of Australia (as of the time of writing).
Given in mockery of his signing himself "ScoMo" on Twitter for his incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic response in Australia/
I see Scovid is, once again, earning his nicknames. Those being Scovid and ScuMo.
by RTM 1963 November 10, 2021
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