The paradox concluding that a penis, shielded from view by a pair of pants, shorts, skirt, etc. and is unobserved is both large and small at the same time.
Upon urbaning his name, Ben found out the he has a Schrödinger's Penis.
by Barbecued Ribs April 15, 2010
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If you cannot confirm whether the individual has a penis or not, it's not gay. Once the penis is confirmed, it is indeed, gay.
P1: I think it's a trap, I really can't tell. I'm not gay though am I?
P2: Schrödinger's penis.
P1: Ah, yeah that makes total sense. I'm completely straight until I confirm the existence of the penis.
by Penisdood18828 October 19, 2018
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When a person is both a man and a women until you see their Penis.
-Traps are gay
-No their not because Schrödinger's Penis
by sovietvodka901 June 24, 2019
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