A schmooze-bro is type of collegiate-aged male, often a member of a fraternal organization, defined by his constant schmoozing, non-clever ball-busting, lewdness, date rape of sorority girls and other females with low self-esteem, and general douche-baggery. He is constantly making unwanted conversation and turns everything into a contest. He can be identified by his plain khaki shorts; brown, leather, thong sandals; and fabric baseball caps, (brim worn slightly up and tilted or backwards). Caution: in later stages of life cycle schmooze-bros may take the form of graduate students or professionals. These can be identified by their smart casual style of dress and chrome/silver watches.
Yeah, I was at the Royal Palms in Collegetown last night, but there were a bunch of schmooze-bros sitting on top of the booths with their feet on the tables. What a bunch of twats.
by rjb569 March 30, 2009
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