
To be completely and utterly destroyed by two long-faced Luxembourgers.
While riding the Ventoux, we got Schlecked.

I got Schlecked!

I didn't get hosed, I got Schlecked.

During our bike race, two brothers came along and Schlecked us!
by Btown_Cutters July 25, 2009
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Noun /shlek/ A Pennsylvania Dutch word, with German origins, that describes various edibles of the junk food category including sweets, desserts, candy, soda and any other fattening snack type food.
1. "The bar mitzvah was a great time, but my physical trainer will not be happy when he finds out how much schleck I ate!"
2. "Ew Stacy! if you don't stop eating schleck you will never fit into that wedding dress!"
by Jscudder August 28, 2017
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To lick or lap at. Commonly used in Pennsylvania Dutch slang depending on the region your family was from.
Please stop Schlecking yourself it's gross.

He's schlecking his ice cream very noisily.
by Moonbebe February 22, 2021
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Multifunctional curse word. Can also mean kissing.
"Get the schleck out of my way!"

"Oh, go schleck yourself."

"What the schleck is that?"

"I've had a schlecky day."

"Ugh, look at them schlecking in the corner."
by Grit-gret May 6, 2008
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