Sarannah will be by your side throughout anything. Sarannah's do not like many people so if your one of her best or even friends consider yourself one of the luckiest people in the world! Sarannah's can be outgoing and are strong and independent but still love when you show them affection like giving them a hug or a high-five. So if you dont have a sarannah in your life, get one because trust me you wont regret it!
Sarannah is with her best friends, they're so lucky to have her!
by Meèeeeeeeeeeeeee December 31, 2021
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An amazing beautiful person that may be insecure about them self. Sarannah is an amazing friend and will always be their for you and will stick at your side thought anything. She will trust you with her life so dont betray her or you will get a ear full about it!! If you don't have a Sarannah in your life find one, you wont regret it!
by Meèeeeeeeeeeeeee December 30, 2021
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