Excuse me a minute while I wrench the knife out of my back. a total manyface and i dub her the biggest shit fairy in teh whole world!!!!!!! Is prone to calling you something resembling a sleazepot behind your back. Likes to keep her chucks CLEAN!! What the fuck?
Look at that girl!

I know. Clean chucks, shifty, catty demeanor. Gotta be a Sara.
by Clatie October 5, 2008
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Sara is a hoe.

But she's the best hoe of a friend you could ever have.
Anthony: Sara is such a hoe
Kei: Yeah, she is. Best hoe I've ever known though.
by AsheStashe March 16, 2019
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The wrong way to spell Sarah. Unlike the name Sarah this is the wrong spelling. If this is your name you will have to deal with a ton of people spelling your name with an h because that is how most people spell it.
What's your name?
With an H?
Wow that stinks
by 1a2b3c4d5e May 13, 2009
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An innocent looking whore who has an apple booty and no tidys
I had sex with so many people last night ,exclaims sara the whore
by fluffyunicornpower123 October 18, 2019
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The name Sara is a variation of Sarah.
The name origin is Hebrew.
Sarah means princess.
Sara has become a popular name approximately 72 of 1000 baby girls born in the USA are called Sara.
Because the name Sara is a shortened version of Sarah these girls have a deeply rooted inferiority complex, they know they are only a knock off of the original. This causes a need to create psychological doubt in others in order to control and manipulate situations to their advantage, it is the only way they can achieve success.
Most people called Sara are self-absorbed, conceited, manipulative, hollow, backstabbing, and can’t be trusted.
Most people are not aware of the true nature of these creatures called Sara. They are good at hiding who they really are, but with time and your trust they are sure to stab you in the back displaying their natural personality.
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A very shy yet amazing girl and friend. If she is in your life consider yourself lucky. Don't make her made cause she is violent(based on personal events)
by Hiimchicken April 24, 2019
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