strongest kunoichi in naruto, sasukes wife and mother of sarada. obtained the 100 healings mark aka the byakugou, only 2 people in the world have right now. (tsunade, and sakura) very rare. hot tempered just like her sensei and saved narutos life
damn sakura uchiha, sasukes wife
sakura uchiha the strongest kunoichi alive
by veephoric December 22, 2020
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A mother, wife of Sasuke Uchiha. She is the strongest kunoichi in the Leaf Village, Director of the Leaf Medical Department, and one of the pillars of the village. Also, she's a MILF.
Dr. Sakura Uchiha just came to visit the new patients.
by mklh May 3, 2021
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Sakura uchiha, should have a appreciation day,because she is misunderstood by a lot of people,
Shes the strongest kunoichi,she

Surpassed tsunade,and she is
The beat medical ninja ever.
Someone: we should celebrate sakura uchiha appreciation day, to show how beautiful and define she is
by Sakuracias September 9, 2021
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