a girl who is sad but is a bad bitch
omg look at her she's such a saddie
by saddie101 December 20, 2019
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a term used by drug dealers for ziplock sandwich bags of various sizes that are used as vessels for various chemical substances.
“hey bro when you’re at woollies could you pick us up some saddy’s?”
no worries man just the ‘glad’ ones?”
“ not glad, they’re a rip-off mate, ‘hercules’ all day”
by saddy_valuepack December 6, 2018
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A saddie, (or Dime bag as those americans say it) is a term mainly used in Australia to describe a small button bag sometimes with pictures on it (like a pot leaf) that usually contains weed or some other drug.
by Pop827 March 7, 2016
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Instead of sad, a person is saddies. It sounds more like the emotion.
by Elfie January 29, 2006
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A phrase used when something unfortunate happens to another individual. Similar to saying rags, or laughing in their face, but saddi is a more subtle, yet piercing phrase. Can be used with "you" at the end

Can also be used as a simple synonym for that sucks
Fred F. : Dammit! I just got sniped by Mr. Kent while i was blazing!

A-Bar : Saddi You

Ex. 2

Parint : Wow, they locked the door to the gym

Jamol : Saddi
by kit kat erat May 29, 2009
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A word someone says to be tough, Kind of like sorry, but said in a way to express the true Derpitidy of thinking your tough shit.
Janice:" I'm a girl, You can't hit me!"

John: "Saddy!, I'll get my brother to!"
by RossTheCoolKid December 14, 2010
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When a boy that's daddy material is always sad. So he is referred to as a saddy
A: aye you my daddy

C: but I'm deadass always sad
A: that's ight you my saddy then 👅
by meegacy July 19, 2017
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