An expression used for showing how impressed you are at something. This can be used when you are reffering to something that is very sweet
"yo yo homie what'cha think of Fat Albert?"
"'twas solid"
by C-Lub Ndawg January 9, 2005
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slang english kids used to use during WWII. it means stupid.
by gracie April 27, 2005
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#SOLID is a phrase which evokes inspiration, satisfaction, happiness, and any other good sentiment amongst humans.
"Don't know what to caption that pic? Just drop a #SOLID in the text box"
"I must say, that spotted bowtie, neon purple shirt and circular shades make you look very #SOLID."
by aa$ July 30, 2016
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'Solid' is term for a partner one has been romantically involved with for a long period of time and is not married to. This term is appropriate for couples to use when most people would expect them to be married and better conveys commitment over use of 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend'.
by shiftmo August 15, 2012
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Example 1: I have a solid lead.

Example 2: I got a solid grade. My parents will be pleased.

Example 3: We're solid, right man?

Example 4: He's a solid worker. Looks like he'll be keeping his job.

Example 5: You're in a solid position.
by Ereck Flowers February 27, 2018
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saying something is okay, not too bad but not too good, like in the middle
"How do you think you did on the test today?"
"Eh, I think I did solid."
by Mel.B. April 1, 2019
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Used by neds. Has the same meaning as hard, in terms of strong, hard to break, ansd also difficult
"At test wis pure solid, man"
by He who shall not be named July 15, 2003
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