by Jebend January 23, 2007
by garrydaplatypus January 21, 2021
This is a general description of a very strong aloholic drink. ex: so much alohol in the glass that it would be lethal to a small child.
by queenbee July 26, 2004
by Griphftor August 16, 2006
An extremely large shit that both felt like birth when it came out, and made you a proud single mother. It is the product of impulsive action and a chipotle burrito the size of a black dick.
After the wurst festival, Charles excused himself to deliver a small black child in the unisex toilet at the nearest 7-11.
by Allierace November 25, 2014
by THe one man called jo jo simp March 10, 2021
It's a secret. What made you think you would find it on Urban Dictionary? If Hailey And Michael wont tell you, neither will I.
by .Haileyyy. February 27, 2019