Ryan is gay and loves men
Ryan is gay.
by Ryan is gay and loves men October 25, 2020
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Ryan is the most gay kid and will not have a girlfriend
Ryan is gay
by Ryan is gay and loves men October 25, 2020
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Got a friend who's name is Ryan?
Is Ryan gay?
Even if hes not,
He'll always be gay in our hearts
#Ryan is gay
Huh nice day isnt it Ryan #Ryan is gay.
Man i could use some pizza #Ryan is gay
Fuck man, Ryan sure is weird #Ryan is gay
by Ryans' friend April 9, 2018
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It's a round thingy that you can see. It hangs from your boyfriend's butt and people like to stare at it sometimes. It's unflappable and saggy. But if your boyfriend has a Ryan Gay Yeet Ass, all the girls and guys will be jealous.
"Look. Charlie doesn't have a Ryan's Gay Yeet Ass!"

by Dardy Baby 13 May 14, 2019
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