a country filled with slaves including the Slav boss Putin
secretary: Hey trump, its the Russians they're invading!!!
secretary: that's impossible!!!!
(soviet union notional anthem plays sonic loud)
by STALIN FOREVER February 26, 2019
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Thick primitive nation, constantly drunk,violent and loud.Have best literature and music in world.Probably have highies number of dictators in history of Europe who's don't give a flying fuck about it's people and send them to certain death in number of milions.Silly people taking everything for granted as their leaders told them (no more than americans though).Have good looking womens.
Lenin's idea of comunism wasn't that bad in theory but was executed dreadfuly,I like russians they have this estern toughness
by atemlos July 29, 2008
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The country with the world's most nukes, although they barely know where half of them are.
Bobby: Hey grandpa Joe, how many nukes does Russia have?

Grandpa Joe: Who the hell knows! And leave me alone will ya, I'm trying to take a nap.
by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 22, 2005
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A country full of gopniks, drunks, hot women, dash cams, and vodka
Cyka this is Russia!
by legendairy124 March 14, 2019
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A country that was once communist. It is a big-ass country with a small-ass population. The capital is Moscow, where President Putin is at. Right now, the Russian Federation ( or Russia) is at war with Ukraine. President Putin, nah more like Dictator Putin.
I bought some vodka from Russia
by Klojhgfcvbn March 18, 2022
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A country whose slavonic people wold still live in cave in Ural if it wasn't for almighty Bulgarian Empire to send them Cyrilic alphabet and scholars to teach them to read and write.
Person 1:Who gave Russia the alphabet it uses today?

Person 2:The bulgarians
by Nemski December 2, 2006
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