When your cleaning lady is actually a prostitute. She never cleans anything and dirties your sheats every time she comes to your house. Also known as the Fager
I pulled the Weber Routine again yesterday. Why would I ever need a girlfriend?
by Pete's kid April 1, 2017
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Repetitions of the same positioning, start to finish, each time you have intercourse.
Duder 1: "So I turned her around did her doggy for a while, then she got on top of me for a little bit and I finished it off by busting in her mouth."

Duder 2: "Dude you do that every time! That's your sex routine huh?"

Duder 1: "Is it? Shit son! You're right."
by westfalia January 29, 2010
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Term often used to describe the outcome of a game where the expected victor wins comfortably.
another routine win for chelsea, west brom bringing nothing to the table today
by Artsen September 5, 2010
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I'm in such a routine rut. Work, sleep, work sleep. It's just same shit, different day.
by doyleem2 April 22, 2011
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generally made up of...

waking up 3-5 hours after everyone else
taking a shower
eating a hefty breakfest
eat lunch
go outside and be active
eat dinner
watch TV
"Jefferys teenage routine often consisted of him jacking off before bedtime"
by DoctorKoles August 11, 2009
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The ultimate wake-up routine consisting of shower (water), drying your hair (air), making strong coffee (earth) and lighting a joint (fire). Specifically in this order.
Laura: How are you feeling this morning?
Josh: Great! Was difficult to get up but i'm ready to start the day after my avatar routine.
by vglleo November 23, 2021
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when the guy in the back seat passenger side of a car, opens the front seat passengers door and the driver pushes him out.
Look at that dead guy by the side of the road. Probably got routine 2ed.
by Mikey November 19, 2003
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