A serious disease which is becoming prevalent within the Rockabilly community.
Diagonosis is simple because the pubic hair actually reshapes itself into a 'Pubic Quiff'

Symtoms include.
A strange and itchy rash which causes the victim to gyrate in comical ways.
Thinning head hair (on which the sufferer begins to use excessisve amounts of brylcream in a misguided attempt to maintain an appearance of) (something, no one actually knows).
Expanding side burns.
And overall Fat Boy weight gain.
Also turned up jeans.
Went to a Rockabilly night and whilst gyrating on the dance floor develped a serious itch and a sudden change of VPL (Visible Panty Line)

Upon going to the gents was horrified to find he had contracted a severe case of Rockabilly Herpes and that his pubic hair had reformed it self into a quiff so perfect that he knew that the limp one which he carried on his head would never be able to compete.
by MickyBalls April 19, 2010
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