Robert Matthews is a welsh name. Robert meaning kind, and caring and Matthews meaning loveable and good looking. Many people in the southern areas of the U.K are called Robert Matthews, as Robert is a very popular name which can be shortened in to Rob, Robbie, Bob, Bobby and many more. Matthews is also a popular surname, especially in the Welsh southern areas of the U.K.
"Oh Robert Matthews is a kind boy!"
"I met ANOTHER Robert yesterday!"
by ilikecheesecakemarrrn July 3, 2009
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sick rapper and parkour god. takes the piss tho cos he never comes in and it's always when we have rachel. hmmmmm, something a bit fishy going on there mate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"i'm gonna do a matthew roberts today and not come in cos we have rachel."

"look at how good i am at parkour, i'm like a matthew roberts me mate."
by oscarheath1 March 24, 2017
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