A Reverse Michael Jackson is when a white guy becomes black.
Hey look Napoleon did a Reverse Michael Jackson.
by xDeathx0 January 26, 2016
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When you go from being light skinned to dark skinned over time, essentially the reverse of Michael Jackson who went from dark to light skinned.
Guy 1: yo, look at these old pics of Ariana Grande
Guy 2: damn, she really pulled off a reverse Michael Jackson
by PythonP February 26, 2021
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when you go from being white to black
My friend rolled around in some mud and when he stood up, I thought he pulled a reverse Michael Jackson
by I Want Die December 16, 2019
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A Reverse Michael Jackson is the act of a white man moon walking and doing a 540 spin and pelvis thrusting their erect penis in to a bent over female's anus and yelling "HEEHEE" and afterwards swiftly pulling out thus having a poo covered dick and doing the thriller dance while walking away.
Josh: Hey dude, guess what?
Alec: yeah?
Josh: last night my girl and I were jamming Michael Jacksons number one so when we were about to do doggy I surprised her with a Reverse Michael Jackson!
Alec: yes! that's my favorite!
by Shmingy January 30, 2014
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When a very light skinned person artificially darkens their skin to the point where you'd think they are black.
"Have you ever compared 2010 Ariana Grande to present day Ariana Grande?"
"Yeah, she pulled a Reverse Michael Jackson."
by the_musician_20 September 7, 2020
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When very light skinned people artificially darken their skin to the point where you can't tell what their original skin colour was.
"Have you ever compared 2010 Ariana Grande to 2020 Ariana Grande?"
"Yeah, she did a Reverse Michael Jackson."
by the_musician_20 September 7, 2020
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