the act of taking a dump in between a female's breast then squeezing them together so it seems as if the gap has been filled (so it looks like a repaired street)
"Ty gave Shelby a street repair and it looks like a street"
by T danna July 23, 2006
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When a female is filling in/drawing on her eyebrows, and after both are finished, she comes to the realization that they aren't quite symmetrical; therefore resulting in having to undergo 'eyebrow repair' without harming adjacent makeup.
female #1: "shit! I was drawing my eyebrows on, and they look totally different..."
female #2: "thats okay girl, just do some eyebrow repair!"
by pinkbabi December 22, 2009
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A term used when a man with a penis that sees a lot of sexual action/tears through a lot of vagina has to see a doctor due to damage done to the penis.
"I have to get my chainsaw repaired tomorrow. Fucked about a dozen girls last night and I think I did some serious damage."
by sirWilliamRaleigh April 19, 2010
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A shoddy repair that although works, is subpar in quality and/or exterior look, often shunned by more expert repairmen.
"That's a Sorin repair"
by Master Sorin May 19, 2019
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A haircut to repair a botched haircut
Person 1: Shit man, looks like your barber needs glasses.
Person 2: I know, but what can I do now?
Person 1: Go to my barber and get yourself a repair cut.
by Edgar1066 July 30, 2009
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We're not sure if it's animal, vegetable, or mineral, but it's what the techs at (248 W. 35th St, New York, NY 10001 646-688-5385) eat, breathe, and sleep. Rumor has it it was reverse engineered by NASA after the Roswell Crash, but I also hear Chuck Norris invented it after round-house kicking the universe into existence.
Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked my iPhone and now I need iPhone repair.
by iphone repair man April 27, 2011
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