This is when the man pisses inside the vagina then eats it out with Franks Red Hot.
There are too many calories in a little red rover. But i love it anyway.
by Shizz Daddy Beamin September 27, 2003
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Have you ever walked down a hallway or a staircase and seen a group of people walking side by side? I suspect you have and they are named after the children game Red Rover.
Guy 1: Why do they walk side by side in the hall?
Guy 2: Those fucking Red Rovers I hate them.
by Dank SunMan April 5, 2016
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The 21st deffenition of calling someone a faggot. They are very annoying and a complete dick.
by Inkstinkpoop November 3, 2016
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Two players get on opposite teams. The first team agrees to call one player from his/her bluff that they won’t break the chain. The person called out on their bluff runs to the other chain and attempts to break the chain (formed by strong sneaky links). If that player breaks the link, he/she then chooses which side to be on and that person and (the player) remain on the chosen team. Until all plays have been made. May the best players win. Up to 10 players & some games go up to 30 players.
Girl he said I was the only one and he’s not out here in the streets anymore, I know his ass lying, I told him “Come on over, Red Rover” because I know we aren’t going to stop dating other people until he’s married. Haha
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when the male during anal intercourse has reached his maximum thrusting rate and his penis fills with blood and becomes energized, pulling out to see an erect flaming hot cheeto (cock).
yeah man last night was a total Red-Rover with Clarissa.”

Red Rover: sexual act defined above.
by slightlyuseddildo September 12, 2018
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