A wiki, usually on Miraheze, who’s goal is to criticize cetaint media like Games, Movies, Websites, TV shows, etc. Stirs up controversey from other people who cant handle Criticism
Joe: What type of wiki is Crappy Games Wiki?
Aidan: Its A Reception Wiki
by ReceptionWikiEditor March 24, 2019
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Series of websites intended to criticize things, there's also positive version of reception wikis. However, they have been criticized by many users with claims of wikis being controversial, having "toxic" community and for being extremely biased.
"There was a fandom and hatedom reception wiki called Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms Wiki, which was closed for violating Miraheze's Content Policy." - Barf Bag from Battle for Dream Island
by Ryan900USAYT March 9, 2022
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