Raisa is the best friend you'll ever get. She's amazingly sweet and can be you're sister. She LOVES burrritos, people, and ravioli. She's a people person. She can always keep your secrets and will love you forever. She got a rocking booty but doesn't admit it. She's that person that you can always trust and will make you laugh and cry. Don't hurt her because she is a fragile flower blooming with beauty. She is also a unicorn in disguise. #shesdabomb
Raisa is my sister
by yv March 5, 2015
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Raisa means rose in Russian and was the name of Michael Gorbachev's wife. It also means princess in Arabic.

It could also mean someone who is unique and has a great personality.
by Raisa May 7, 2005
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She is the girl everyone knows once she enters a room, people love her and people hate her (though more like than hate). That amazing rat is talented in aesthetics and themes. She'll probably tell you she isn't but those are lies because the dried grape could literally run me over with a truck and I would still kiss the ground she walks on please teach my your theme ways
"Who made that aesthetic? It's really good."
"Obviously Raisa."
by Jaeyoon_K August 7, 2017
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Raisa is just such an amazing person. She is so overly kind and caring and she treasures her friendships like they are diamonds worth millions. Raisa’s tend to be quite shy but once you get to know her, she will open up and be a very fun person to talk to. Her writing is stunning and her favourite subject is English. Raisa’s tend tk have cool siblings most likely to be named Maia but they will never be as cool as Raisa. Also, she is secretly a VERY fierce beast and if you agitate her, she will eat your brain. She is also a very beautiful person on both the inside and outside. If you ever become a Raisa’s friend, it will be the most amazing decision you have ever made if you keep her by your side forever as she will make such an impact on you. A Raisa will be the bestest thing that will ever happen to you. <3
Wow, Raisa is so amazing!”
by LS(: February 12, 2022
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Raisa means queen. She is hot tempered yet sweet and a little bit of clumsy. Good at imagine impossible sceneries. A stressed soul and afraid of exams, specially weak at mathematics.
She is a Raisa
by Raisuuuuu❤️ November 25, 2021
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An amazing rat that's great at aesthetics and themes. She's very popular and almost everyone knows about her. Even if she tells you she's bad at aesthetics those are lies because she can literally run me over with a truck and I'll still kiss the ground she walks on please learn my your theme ways
"Who made that aesthetic"

"Obviously Raisa"
by Jaeyoon_K August 7, 2017
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