Rainiels are nice fun Filipino boys! Rainiels are always ready to help you no matter what! They're very good at drawing and are super smart!
You're almost as good as a Rainiel!
by Love Rainiels April 29, 2018
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Rainiel is a nice young Asian boy, not a gay Asian mofo, as described by ‘hate rainiels’. He is a fun kind boy willing to help you out no matter what! He enjoys Danny Devito, It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia, and JoJo’s Bazzare Adventure. He’s friend with a nice girl named Naomi as well. Rainiel is sure swell!
Wow! You’re such a Rainiel!
by Love Rainiels April 28, 2018
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Likes anime but not a fanatic. Has a British accent. Could be a very good alcoholic. Would make a great anti Karen. KAREN REPELLENT.
Rainielle still isn’t drunk! Wow.
Hey Rainielle can u drive me home please?
Is that anime Rainielle? Why r u drinking too?
by shrimpo June 13, 2020
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A unique name, most common in eastern asia, is the sexiest name i’ve ever heard
God dayum Rainielles so hot
by iwantboba December 25, 2020
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Lil dick Asian mofo who sucks dark chode in lè nighttime and white daddy dick in da daytime #mopcity #shlurpshlurp on god this nigga really a faggot ass bitch and his anus prolly fuckin gaping wide
Guy:"Yoooo why you talkin funny"
Rainiel:"yo I mopped Tyrones dick last night, his shit is LARGE"
Guy:" yo, you gay"
by Hate rainiels March 14, 2017
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