A promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future.

This term comes from baseball, where in the 1880s it became the practice to offer paying spectators a rain check entitling them to future admission for a game that was postponed or ended early owing to bad weather. By the early 1900s the term was transferred to tickets for other kinds of entertainment, and later to a coupon entitling a customer to buy, at a later date and at the same price, a sale item temporarily out of stock.
I can't come to dinner Tuesday but hope you'll give me a rain check.
by mat64 April 26, 2006
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A word improperly used when trying to let someone down that you have no interest in thinking it will put them down lightly. When in reality it only ticks them off because you couldn't just be upfront and tell them No. It's improperly used because they never cash it in which is the whole point of a raincheck.
Aww how sweet, I already have plans for today with my Girlfriends I will have to put a Rain Check on that and maybe follow up.
by Luckyduck100 January 31, 2021
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A term that makes a cancellation seem less offensive.
I'm going to take a rain check on studying today; I have other things to tend to.
by SP128 November 7, 2007
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when someone is unable of pursuing prior plans do to an unexpected obstacle such as time consuming problems or an emergency.
Nick had to rain check his plans with Mitchel because his wife had got in a car wreck.
by a_michelle November 7, 2007
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To drench ones hot sweaty body in red kool aid and then to shove multiple dildos up ones ass hole.
George got mad at Judy because she used blue kool aid when giving him a rain check.
by Willis B. Hemmington September 2, 2007
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A person who has very skinny wrists and who questions his/her gender. Rain Checks are ballers despite their small wrist size, and also often look up ways to body build to hide their mini-wrists.
Rain Check's wrists are so small that even Captain Li Shang from Mulan couldn't make a man out of him.

Look at that mini-wristed baller in the International League of American Superheros having a bromance! He must be a Rain Check!
by dozahh February 3, 2009
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The act of postponing a "golden shower".
"Hey babe, I'm still hard, do you mind if I give you a rain check?"
by Scottywuzhere June 6, 2018
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