rm is the code used to mean "remove" when using linux bash shells. Thus it can sometimes be used as an abbreviation of "remove" in normal talk
rm -rf /

"You are a target and will be rm'd"
-LulzSec, Anti-Sec Manifesto
by The New Lunar Republic June 21, 2011
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RM is Korean rapper Kim Namjoon's stage name. He is the leader of BTS, likes pigeons and is the god of destruction. Although he made some questionable decisions relating to his hair in 2013, he is now VERY good looking with silver and blonde hair.

When you're hungry, chicken is the best.

Jimin, you got no Jams

Support joonie and STREAM MONO.
Even though RM has an IQ of 148 he still manages to break everything he touches.
by lucypm October 29, 2019
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Term used in wordStarCraft/word...It means "remake"...
Player 1: o sorry guys!
Player 2: omfg...rm, same name.
by SC.Zee September 25, 2003
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when you remake an edit made by someone else.
person 1: what does rm mean??
person 2: here’s an example; i see an edit i like, so much that i want to REMAKE it. so i do, with all the same transitions and effects (and sometimes photos). and when i upload it, i’ll tag the original creator so they know that i’ve remade one of their edits. get it now?
person 1: ohhh i see.
by mr. lonely’s wife April 30, 2021
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Rm is a cutie who deserves the whole universe and beyond.Rm smile can light up the room in seconds.Rm is a hard worker who cares and loves the army and his friend.Rm is a sexy beast.
Anti: ugh rm is so ugly like how could you like him
Army: Why don't you shut the fuck up bitch before I smack you in the face
by Jello.lopez December 9, 2018
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Royal Marines. Much finer than the United State's Marine Corps.
I am a RM
royal marine
by christ0pherjack January 18, 2006
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if you have a linux machine, dont type anything that you saw on the internet on the terminal that is related to rm or else you might be screwed
by RandomPeep2939 May 23, 2021
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