adjective: defined almost similarly to the word lynn as one who is of complete and utter intelligence, modesty, beauty and self-worth. however, the prefix of a spanish/latin "que" gives the definition of the word an added wild sex appeal.

noun: defined "to be loved and treasured whole-heartedly due to the excessive bliss that will be brought into your life"

verb: defined "one who blows your mind away or sets it on intellectual fire due to the nature of it"

or can also be generally defined as one who loves life and never lets an opportunity pass by without jumping into it. bearers of this name generally like having fun at night and loves the colour pink. they are also a cross between an intellect, a princess, and sometimes a bimbo - but mostly the first two instead of the latter.
We were blown away when a Quelynn walked into the room.

It wasn't till I had a Quelynn in my life that i finally realized what life should be about.

Till I met Quelynn, I never knew that life could be this exciting.
by sunsetanddusk June 2, 2009
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