Indicating that something has happened/ occurred for the 4th time.
Not once, not twice, not thrice, but quatrice!
I told that buster quatrice to stay away from that bitch...
by Shando January 28, 2004
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The number after thrice, and before quintice.
Johnny: I escaped prison twice.
Billy: That's weak shit, I escaped prison quatrice.
by eggggggggggggggggggggggg December 22, 2017
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It comes after thrice, similar to the abbreviation twice, once, and thrice.

Also included, are Pentice, Quice, Septice, Ottice, and Nonice.
Hey Ceebee, how many times have you destroyed liberals today?
4 times, or QUATRICE.

by JakeTheBoiBoi February 12, 2019
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