Coming from the Greek word pur(fire) which down the line evolved into pyro for the English folk, and the latin word genus which evolved into what we know nowadays as gender, Pyrogendered is a quite new gender identity for people who see themselves as the incarnation of fire.

Some signs of being Pyrogendered include, but are not limited to: feeling a literal burning passion in your heart, understanding a fellow campfire's emotions, wanting to set the fire department on fire for what they've done to your friends, monsters.

Although some people will question your sanity and say you're an arsonist, just tell them that they're being pyrophobic and should let Pyrogendered folk like yourself roam free and spread your love/influence

Pyrogendered people also prefer the pronouns fire/starter
"Mom, Dad, I think I'm Pyrogendered, my heart's on fire"

"My friend here thinks fire's Pyrogendered, fire thinks fire's the incarnation of fire"

"Starter emotion's shouldn't be tempered, I heard fire likes starting fires, says fire feels safe like this"
by Lolokman132 July 26, 2021
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An adjective for people having spent so long on tumblr that they now believe objects, concepts, colors, weather, and natural phenomenon have anything to do with gender, specifically those who claim that their gender is based on fire.
“Did you hear about that new gender, pyrogender?”
by Tarshish May 16, 2023
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