the feeling a girl gets in her pussy when something sexual is said or done, typically caused by her significant other
daddy, you just made my kitty purr
by qtbear May 18, 2020
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how it sounds. when something’s cute or pretty or perfect.
Friend: look at my project it’s so good right?

You: omg yes that’s so kitty kitty purr purr
by Sabrina the teenage cracker August 25, 2020
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little bastard kitty who runs around purring everywhere who also likes shitting and pissing on pillows.
ricky and bubbles were at cory trevors convince store and saw shit rock aka the purr monster was getting into all the mustard and pop tarts causing a shit storm
by bubblespacekitty March 2, 2011
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Let it purr is a term used when one farts and the fart rolls and vibrates between the butt cheeks, causing a purring noise.
Bob: Yo, whats that smell?
Mike: Sorry, I just let it purr.
by gochinator April 7, 2010
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when your cat tries to make you do bad things.
"my cat told me to do some cat nip with him. i totally fell under the purr pressure."
by meowskibrowski November 30, 2011
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A word used to induce a positive response or association in the person hearing or reading it. Commonly used to appeal to people's emotions rather than their reasoning, and thereby get them on your side.

Antonym: snarl word
George Bush peppered his discourse around his war plans with phrases intended to associate an invasion of Iraq with "peace" and "freedom."

"For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place."
-- George W. Bush
by frickinmuck April 20, 2005
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