A word used to define an annoying asshole who doesn't deserve a ton of support, yet gets it anyway.
by Punzzyyy March 31, 2021
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the coolest usually reffering to a person
That guy is punzi. or That guy wants to be punzi.
by Joseph N October 30, 2006
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Did you see that Punzi showing off his tennis skills.
by Lewis Franklin March 28, 2007
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A Guy who has a massive cock and gets alot of sex, he also loves saying "sex" or "spider sex" but we all love him, our little punzypoo :)
by rEd* May 11, 2021
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Someone who is into making puns is a "Punzy" person.
Someone who isn't ... isn't.
Person A: - I wasn't originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.

Person B: - Yeah, right... you can't get a brain transplant.

Person A: - Not very punzy, are you?
by Magnus88 February 25, 2018
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