Someone who can never make a definite decision when it comes to travel or going somewhere, ever.

An indecisive creature, not dis-similar to undeveloped humans who dwelled in caves in prehistoric times.

A very gray and neutral person by nature, typically but not necessarily an only child.

Brain composition consists of mainly grey matter, due to this particular species natural habitat being perched directly onto of the fence

Pronnys in their natural habitat appear poorly dressed, often in their parents clothes. Skin is grey and hairy.

The name was derived from two words, being 'Probably' and 'Jonny'.
John Dough: Hey man, tonight a bunch of us are heading to the bar for some drinks, want to come?

Jonny Kuros: Probably, see what happens, not sure

John Dough: Don't be such a Pronny, just give me a YES or a NO answer. You do this every time.

Jonny Kuros: Probably, I don't know
by JaoKu February 24, 2011
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