Person or general prick who refuses to believe that the Jurassic Park 'let's genetically engineer them back to life' just will not or has not happened in their lifetime. Really wants a pet dinosaur and has done since age 4. Uses the Jurassic Park film franchise to tragically bore all who are made to listen with badly researched dinosaur related facts and possible evil government conspiracy. Relates to Ross from friends, believes most probably in the Loch Ness monster and has trouble accepting extinction theory.
Ross from friends is a Jurkassic Prick.
by Cheesecake77 May 19, 2014
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A sick fuck that has a bieber cut.
Man: Hey! You saw that Hollywood Prick?
Wife: Yes, he looks like he shitted on his own hair.
by The Hollywood Pricks May 5, 2020
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Pabla the Prick is a steroid beast who injects himself with chicken breast while jerking off with the other hand. Don’t u dare ask him a question because he will find loopholes. He also considers himself god and knows everything.
Guy1: Yo who was that guy injecting himself with egg yolks.

Guy2: That absolute cuck Pabla The Prick
by GhuggisPoloPatka January 22, 2022
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You say something to someone that's ever so slightly offense and then proceed to walk away with a side look and a giggle. They know its all in games and giggle back.
Patricia looked at a friend of hers and said, "awe you two have the same temperature - y'all should get married. Keep rona in the family.". Walked away knowing she shouldn't have said that, but was too good to not giggle at.

Friend looks back "you ass. How do you make something so serious into a funny? Nice prick status."
by #prickstatus April 24, 2020
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A self absorbed person who disapproves/ doesn't agree or can't vision another's point of view or ideas out of pure hatred of another.
Your brother is such a Hateful Prick he truly believes his way is the only way of life, and everyone else is just a clueless hater.
by Jennaferbie November 21, 2020
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