Runglish veil word for never ending drink time. The person who said it means that 'just one more but last time lets drink and that's all, everybody go home", but in fact 'posashock' will be repeated for many times.

Posashock always appears when somebody says 'ok, it's too late i have go home'
- OMG,its too late, i have to go...tommorow i have to be cheerful, coz the day next is very busy and important
-Ok, Brandon,OKAAAY....but befor you go lets drink for posashock?
-Ok, just only for posashock...
1 hour later:
- Oh, i go home, i'm sick of drinking....i would be dead tommorow...mama mia
-Ok, Brandon, i agree: u have go home...before you go let's drink last time for posashock..
-Ok, only for posashock....
1 hour later....the same))
by KlausBorski December 7, 2020
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