Ness's rival. He aids Giygas later on. He is also very fat.
Pokey let off some gas! Ness's offense decreased by 10!
by EarthboundEspeon May 27, 2003
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A sharp object, typically a swiss-army or pocket knife used to inflict pain on someone.
Primarily used as a weapon of defense for teens in the inner cities.

Bro, 2 dudes were on the train and tried to rob me for my Iphone. I had the pokey on me though so I just started pokin niggas.
Blood was leaking everywhere shit was crazy.
by realN February 11, 2014
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The backstabbing neighbor of Ness. He is a pussy and fights against Ness in the final battle against Gigyas in a giant metal robot suit.
Pokey is a fat pussy with no friends.
by Sodomy August 3, 2004
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More meanings:
A slang for jail.
Slow, 'chubby', etc.
I've been in da 'pokeh!
by Marty Polisbonar April 23, 2003
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adj. and n.

Small stuff usually has a pointy/sharp end. (Canadian slang)

in Don't Starve (a Klei Entertainment game, Klei is a Canadian video game Corp.), some characters would call "stinger of bee", "sewing kit" , and similar stuff pokey, if you understand the word 'pokey' as jail, or nipples on one's breast, obviously they conflict with the meaning for the context.
This will keep the pokeys off of me. (spoken by Willow in Don't Starve game)
(this sentence here is for a Beehat, the word pokey here means the perverted bees in the game.)
by alexshots December 19, 2013
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When you eat so much, you feel pokey.
I ate too many garlic-Parmesan wings from TGI-Fridays, my stomach feels pokey.
by Thomas the magnificent April 20, 2016
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