A pocketlilly is a creature found in the northern hemisphere, usually in Canada or Russia. They exhibit many characteristics exclusive to the pocketlilly specimen and can be easily confused with a Homo Sapien. A pocketlilly is distuishable due to the slight odour emitted from the nostals and belly button which resembles the scent of sour milk.
Although pocketlillies were once thought to be extinct, they now seem to be popping up all over the world wide web on sites such as Myspace and Facebook. Like vampirism, once someone is bitten by a pocketlilly they will undergo the pocketlilly transformation and become one. Since pocketlilly-ness is highly contageious it is advised that anyone entering the Northern Hemispere gets their anti-pocketlilly shots since being bit by a pocketlilly is fatal and irreversible.
"Did you see that pocketlilly over there? It just bit that little girl."
"Wow, that pocketlilly is evil and infecting the world wide web."
"Pocketlillies are vile creatures which confuse humans."
by JazzyHands February 19, 2010
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