abbreviation for the "pittbull" breed of canidae or canine.
"I got Two big pitts,
I call them Mobb Bitch Nigga eaters," Tupac Shakur
by onelove December 5, 2006
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Insanely glamorous family that travels all around the world spreading their hotness and procreating like jack rabbits.

-Male figure of the family is named Brad and has been known for the swooning and hot flashes of women globally for the past two decades.

-Female figure of the family is Angelina (last name is hypened "Jolie-Pitt") and has been responsible for many young pre-pubescent males to "discover" their sexuality while watching Beowulf.

-Children of the family Maddox, Pax, Zahara, and Shiloh (and soon to be one, maybe two more) are the luckiest little brats on the face of the planet and we will see them in about ten to twenty years snorting cocaine off of cocktail tables at popular Hollywood clubs whilst not wearing underpants (or pants in general).
I was going to vacation in Honolulu this year but I decided to be like the Pitts and run off to the south of France
by Resident Hottie June 17, 2008
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when the girl cries so hard that her arm pits start to turn red and blood starts to run from her nose then you grab her and stick her blood nose under your arm pits then bash her nose to stop the bleeding.
Oh fuck yeah its ur turn to get the fucking Pitt
by Mr. sex October 1, 2004
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A dam fine DC player

Also known as Sgt_Pitt

or Sergaent Pitt
by dan January 26, 2004
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the hottest chubby pimp possibly in the whole world
no one can touch pitt in sexiness
by pitt May 27, 2004
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A pretty decent actor, has been in films such as Fight Club, Oceans Thirteen, Se7en etc. Not overrated in any sense of the word, he's naturally good looking; people tend to bash him out of jealousy because of his good looks. To put it into prospective, he's been in some highly, some moderate, and some poorly rated films like a lot of actors have. The ''skeptical type'' tend to focus on the poorly rated films and mock him for his apparent ''bad performances'' in them as some of the examples on here show.
Dude 1: Hey did you watch Fight Club last night?

Dude 2: Yeah, it was awesome, great movie!

Idiot 1: Brad Pitt is WAY too overrated because of his looks.

Idiot 2: I agree, there would be no hype over him if he was moderate looking, his films SUCK!!!.

Neutral Guy: Have you seen Fight Club, Se7en, Oceans Thirteen?
by ooooooof September 26, 2007
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