French slang for a wine of horrible quality.

The slang is believed to origin from the brand name of a horrible wine that soldiers drank only to get drunk in the early 1900's.

Outside France a wine is actually sold by the brand Pinard.
The French tourist was amused to see a wine labeled Pinard at our shelve, because in his home country Pinard means s**t wine.
by Danmark November 22, 2013
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Someone who rides a motorcycle in the
Baja 1000 and thinks he's a badass
Did you see that Pinard riding in the desert with no headlights?
by MLPS September 14, 2008
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smart elegance and well known for their telents in bed cheerleader peppy sexy school girl beautiful know howto put people under her spell has the world rapped around her finger leadership like helpful
smart strapping young gentelmen polite mature and good in bed
oh their goes a pinard their so good in bed
by anabella38 October 26, 2011
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