A low maintenance woman who devalues other women by doing the following:

A) going 50/50 with him under the guise of building him;
B) allowing a man to build on her by getting his money up while giving her lowest ROI;
C) paying for dates and giving him money to keep him;
D) allowing him to be comfortable and content, while he seeks the women he wants;
E) letting him borrow her car while she’s at work;
F) thinking it’s ok for him to be a grown man still living with momma, but thinking he’s going to get himself right and give you the world when he’s really not;
G) an everyday “Pick Me” who hangs out with Pickmaira, Bonnetta, Ratcheta, Bonnetta and Starkeisha and the other Section 8, low budget Pick Me’s.
Look at Pickmeisha with her every weekend Dusty.
by TwattyPippin October 21, 2019
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-A woman who screams "Pick ME!" to a guy

-A woman who accepts the breadcrumbs a guy gives her just to be with him
-A woman who allows herself to be exploited to be with a guy

Ex. A woman who has casual sex with a man hoping he will learn to like her
Ex. A woman who is faithful to a man who isn't even her man
Ex. Women who approach and chase men, plan the dates and some even pay for the man's drinks
Ex. A woman who is with a man who still won't marry her after 10 years and 3 kids
Ex. A woman who is engaged for 5 years and it isn't because of school, finances and other uncontrollable circumstances
You've been talking to this guy for 6 months and he still won't make it official?
Stop being a pickmeisha and drop this dude!
by keepingitreal2022 July 31, 2022
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