1. The study or pursuit of a hedonistic, laid-back or lazy approach to life.
2. The belief in a minimalistic, easy, care-free way of living as fundamentally important.
3. The inability or resistance to the concepts of work, money and structure
4. Rejection of inhibiting cultural and societal norms as a means to have fun and relax.
“Nah, man, working more than ten hours a week is against my philslothophy.”
“I’m adopting a philoslothical approach these days, and just gonna spend all my free time playing video games and banging chicks until my savings run out.”
“My philslothophy is that we should blow off work and go get drunk on the beach today instead.”
“I’d rather be poor and philoslothical alone and enjoy my life in peace than participate in the rat race and end up with a mortgage, a shitty car, a fat wife and three kids I hate.”
by srirachakvnt April 16, 2021
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