To shut down an angry, extreme feminist with pure logic, words only, non-physical. (No women were harmed in the making of this statement)
I was speaking to this girl at the bar and she started bringing up loads of extreme feminist views, so I gave her a Peterson Punch.
by NomadWordMaker January 8, 2021
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To shut down an angry, extreme feminist with pure logic, words only, non physical. (No women were harmed in the making of this statement)
I was speaking to this girl at the bar and she started bringing up loads of extreme feminist views, so I gave her a Peterson Punch.
by January 8, 2021
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To shut down an angry, extreme feminist with pure logic, words only, non physical. (No women were harmed in the making of this statement)
I was speaking to this girl at the bar and she started bringing up loads of extreme feminist views, so I gave her a Peterson Punch.
by January 8, 2021
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