the single coolest most talented male I know. You are cool by association if you know him.
B1. oh my god...its peppi!!!
B2. YOU know Peppi??
B1. Yes...sort of.
B2. You are so cool!!!!
by kelli peters February 10, 2004
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large nipples that represent pepperoni. a.k.a pepperoni tits.
When that girl flashed me i realized she had peppies.
by Frankieofbtree February 8, 2011
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peppi is a godlike skinner
I start lactating when I see a peppi skin.
by nigger innis April 5, 2004
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a really fat, ugly, (fugly), mean, stupid, has bad teeth, or drives a bus
"Man did u just see the face our bus driver made?" "Ya, she's really peppy!!!"
by shutupnsmile647 October 8, 2005
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some scrub that's a fuckin spick, likes to be tough online, but should know he'd get his ass whooped by practically anyone. Also crosses borders sometimes and picks your trash.
MM^PePpY in #mildmanner on gamesnet
by maka` February 10, 2004
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Name: Peppy Hare
Age: 41
Height: 1.70 sm
Weight: 190 pounds
Gender: male

One of Fox McCloud's right hand men. This aerodynamic hare has the skill, skill, skill, and experience to be in the Star Fox crew and save the universe from the dastardly Andross. With his skill, he guids the young aero-men (or animals) of the Star Fox team.
Fox: Peppy! I'm being chased by one of Andross's minions, I have low health, and no bombs or lasers! Whatever shall I do?!
Peppy: Do a barrel roll!
by Nathan Algren July 17, 2004
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