n. 1. An instantaneous orgasm resulting from very little to no stimulation given. 2. Any sort of other immediate intense gratification with minimal stimulation. {Pepe, from the e-famous 20yr old virgin in Fort Worth, Texas; gasm as a derivative of orgasmos, Greek for swelling, namely of certain organs due to stimulus}
Example: Upon sight of the attractive girl approaching, Pepe immediately ran back to his vehicle, narrowly escaping a public Pepegasm.
by George December 21, 2004
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(Pe·pe·gasm) n. 1. An instantaneous orgasm resulting from very little to no physical stimulation. 2. Any sort of other immediate intense gratification with minimal stimulation. Pepe, from the e-famous 20yr old virgin in Fort Worth, Texas; gasm as a derivative of orgasmos, Greek for swelling, namely of certain organs due to stimulus
Upon sight of the attractive girl approaching, Pepe immediately ran back to his vehicle, narrowly escaping a public Pepegasm.
by George December 21, 2004
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