a hungarian book written by Ferenc Molnár. it's a heartbreaking story.

there is also a movie based on it.

the main character's are Ernő Nemecsek and János Boka.

it's required to be read by every hungarian student.

there is also a very amazing musical, which was first performed in the Vígszínház, at Budapest.
somebody: i am going to read The Paul Street Boys.

somebody: you should prepare some tissues then.
by nobodycallsmebogyo December 27, 2022
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An area right in the heart of Cork City where if u don’t have a liverpool 18/19 jersey or a pouch of amber leaf u are largely outnumbered. Rumour has it that there is a COD ZOMBIES easter egg in Paul Street, if u take out a fiver note u will be offered decos canada geese, though all u will get is canada fleeced
My girlfriend went to the toilets in Paul Street and came back with 4 STDS an a mixed raced newborn
by Grangehead2055heartcoldlikeice November 1, 2021
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