Parvana is the CEO of Render Tests. And is known for having the best renders in Minecraft PotPvP. He has over 200 render tests unlisted on his channel. He is the U.S. Central Demon and has been playing PvP since 2018. Most people say he is carried by his 20CPS and only good because he butterfly clicks. Stimp also despises is him because he lost to him in a ranked nodebuff fight at 1400 elo. He is most known for his “DREAM COMBOTAGE 1000FPS” video, which surpassed over 5,000 views! He is also a member of Slimecord, EOB (Elo Over Bitches), and W’s Only. He also uses the terms “meow” and “aggin” a lot. He loves the rapper “Aries” a lot, and stans him. His parents also allow him to only play on weekends and they force him to do homework 24/7, hence Parvana being so bad at the game. He peaked at 1600 elo on MMC Season 15 and also was undefeated during the Zelix Closed Beta. While Parvana still exists obs and render settings will be never be obsolete.
Person 1: Do you know anyone that can help me with obs and renders?
Person 2: Oh yeah, you should go to speak to Parvana! He knows the most about renders in the community.
by Parvy69 March 12, 2021
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