Painlich ( adjective) is a combination of the german Word „peinlich“, that means awkward and the word pain.

1. When a situation is awkward and painful at the same time. ( tripping in public)

2. Painlich is when situation that is so damn awkward, it almost hurts or gives you inner pain and uncomfortableness. ( when someone randomly questions your sexuality, while you’re still in the closet)
• Kevin: What’s that bruise on your hip?

Joe: I fell from the chair during an exam man. It was so fucking painlich!

• Emma: my teacher asked me why my parents haven’t returned her phone calls yet. I had to tell the story of my parents car accident from last week in front of the whole class.

Britney: oh shit, that must’ve been painlich for you.
by Mariageorge January 19, 2022
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